Thursday, November 8, 2018

3 Ways To Improve Your Tennis Game

3 Ways To Improve Your Tennis Game

Tennis, like any sport, takes years to perfect. While you might be naturally gifted at the sport, you will reach a point where your tennis game plateaus. Here are 3 ways to consistently improve your game:


This I cannot stress one enough. While it's fun hitting with your buddies, playing the same few people will not help you improve at all unless they are significantly better than you. You need to play new people on a consistent basis.This will expose you to a wide variety of players each with various strategies and playing styles. By playing a range of players, you will be able to adapt to different playing styles quickly. By joining a tennis league, you will be playing new players every week.  This can be City League, USTA, etc. This sounds like a plug, but we have a fantastic tennis league with doubles and singles that I would highly recommend. They do all the scheduling for you and you generally play against new people every week. Can't beat that. Check it out here:


This ties back into playing and hitting with other people, however this won't necessarily be strict match play. Going to clinics and hit groups provides an additional benefit of having a tennis coach moderating and analyzing how you play and how you can improve. Most tennis coaches will also structure their clinics and hit groups to include skill work and agility drills. We have an entire City League team at our club who take group lessons from one of our coaches just to improve their game on league matches. 


This one sounds redundantly obvious but it's so often ignored and overlooked. I'd bet money that at least half of the players reading this who want to improve their game do NOT take private lessons. If you want to really improve your game, this is a non-negotiable! Coaches will point out flaws in your technique & form, and tell you how to improve on certain areas that may be lacking. Additionally, they will help you work on whatever your specific goals are. Probably 99% (don't quote me on the statistic) of the top players out there take private lessons or have taken private lessons.

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